Salvia roscida
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(syn. S. fallax). A winter-flowering shrub that forms an upright, bushy mass of soft, heart-shaped leaves. Flowering begins in late winter, into spring, when it smothers itself in masses of short spikes of small pale blue flowers which are always a ‘hive of industry’ as it is much loved by the bees. Copes with light frost, but best if planted in a protected position near buildings or amongst other shrubs. Prefers only a part day of sun. Responds well to being cut back by at least ½ after flowering, or even to ground level. One of my Mum's favourite shrubs and one she wouldn't be without for the cloud of blue it creates, and the nectar it provides for the honeybees. 1.5-2m high in flower x 1.2m wide. 1 litre pot.
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